There are some stellar Easter photos here.
Saw Adventureland this weekend and really liked it! Terrifically acted and dramatically understated with minimal formulaic "indie" quirk. But wow, there were some shitty previews before that movie. There's this new Matthew McConaughey movie come atcha where he has to confront the ghosts of all the women he ever hooked up with in order to find true love. Yeah. It's called Ghosts of Girlfriends Past or some shit and it's as revolting as it sounds. Then there's a movie All About Steve with Sandra Bullock where she plays an overbearing Canadian executive working in America who marries her assistant, Ryan Renolds, to get citizenship. Of course, they find true love and get naked along the way. The only way I got through those horrific two minutes without kicking someone in the teeth was by laughing as loudly and sarcastically as possible at every fatuous Hollywood joke the paint-by-numbers movie committee crammed in. What a miserable piece of shit. Then there was a preview for a History Channel series about what Earth will be like WHEN the human species is extinct. Which was inspiring because at least no more McConaughey rom-coms. Anyway, you've got to go through hell before you get to heaven, i.e., Terminator Salvation. Oh hell YES.
We got there twenty minutes early to secure quality seats, settling onan aisle pair in front of a couple who seemed civilized, and the guy told us he found $5 on the floor before the movie, which reminded me of the time I found a Ben Franklin under a seat at the Pavilion on Park Slope before a screening of Kingdom of Heaven. I left about a minute into that because a guy behind me apparently decided the best cure for his hacking cough was to take in a motion picture. But I didn't mind, especially since I convinced the manger to give me a refund, turning a pure net profit of 100 bones without a cent going to Orlando Bloom. The best fucking night of my life.
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