This uppity Obama photo discussion is very funny and... interesting, but I'm not so sure Andrew Sullivan or Pareene have made the connection that the exacto wit behind the awesome, day-old "Analyze Glenn Reynolds's Body Language blog" is none other than indie film phenom James Urbaniak, whom many know for his amusing digressions on his defiantly antiquated livejournal blog, and still others for his long, revealing interview with Gothamist in 2007, just before he decamped to Hollywood to audition for robot commercials 24/7, leaving him ample time to pursue his calling as an obscure political satirist. Funny thing about that Gothamist interview; they actually unchained me from the laptop to do that one in person, which has become an incredibly rare thing. (Charlie Kaufman yes, Peter Sarsgaard no.) Urbaniak and I talked for an hour at that cafe on Broadway and Mercer (I think) with the bathroom downstairs. I later spent probably three or four hours transcribing and editing the fucker; all in all an unheard of amount of time by today's standards. Anyway, at the end of the conversation I thought Urbaniak and I might become pals, occasionally meeting for coffee and idiosyncratic chats about Richard Foreman and Venture Bros. Then he just split town. Some people will do anything to isolate themselves from any meaningful friendship, I guess.
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